Dino Lab Station '99

Welcome to the computer station for the Fossil/GeoTime lab.

Each question should be written in full, along with the answer. The link above each set of questions can be used as a source of information. Each question is worth 1 point.

    Ice Cores
  1. In an Ice Core Sample, what do the light and dark bands of ice signify?

    Global Warming
  2. What sort of world-wide climate must be indicated by a high presence of Calcium in the ice core sample?

    Ice Core-Gases
  3. About how often do Ice Ages appear to occur historically?

    RadioCarbon Recalibration
  4. What are the two reasons why the ratio of C12:C14 has not remained the same throughout history?

  5. How are the teeth shaped on the Camarasaurus?

  6. What is unique about the nasal openings of Sauropods?

  7. Draw an Allosaurus skeleton.

    Darren Tanke's Photos
  8. Why do most Tyrannosaurids have their heads pulled back over their spines when found fossilized?

    Dino Tracks
  9. What types of dinosaurs made the two tracks?

  10. What did the Avimimus probably eat?

    Dinos Birds?
  11. Why did Heilmann think that theropods did not possess furculae?

  12. Compared to the T. Rex's slicing teeth, how did the teeth of the Suchomimus function?

    Dinosaur Eggs
  13. What is the best evidence that dinosaurs may have sat on their eggs and protected their young like birds?

    Calculating the Age of the Earth
  14. Why do scientists think the Pb/Pb isochron age method of measuring the Earth's age works?

  15. How long might the claws have been on the Therizinosaur?

    How did Flight Begin?
  16. What does Dr. Ken Dial think is evidence for how birds evolved flight?

    Dinosaur Eggs
  17. Why did the scientists think the eggs were in different stages of development?

    What's Wrong with the movie Jurassic Park?
  18. According to most experts, what was wrong with the Velociraptor's size in the movie Jurassic Park?

    Dinosaur Speeds
  19. What is thought to be the fastest dinosaur speed, according to this webpage?

    Dino History
  20. Why do most scientists now agree that dinosaurs never really went extinct?

    Swimming Dinos
  21. What is the state fossil of Nevada?

  22. How thick are the Pteranodon's bones?
  23. According to Kevin Padian, could Pterosaurs fly under their own power?

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